Universal Studios entry way

Sorry Universal Studios, this is wrong and unacceptable – Way to screw your park visitors on their vacations…

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So I am a little disappointed with Universal Studios today. I found out that available park hours for studios for Thursday and Friday this week were not normal and the park closes at 6 pm EST. That is wrong and unacceptable. In my opinion, they should at the very least partially refund all the people who had purchased park tickets for this week for being unable to attend the Studios park for the full park hours on May 19th and the 20th.

People who have a long distance of travel to this location and who have planned for months to have a vacation that included time to go to Universal studios are screwed. This is wrong, they should NOT be shutting down the parks for those people.

People pay thousands of dollars to experience a vacation only to learn that the money they paid for the tickets is not guaranteeing them access to a park for the full normal hours of operation. This is not cool Universal.

This is a direct slap into the face of the people who choose this week to enjoy a little time at the parks. It’s wrong and unacceptable. It doesn’t matter the circumstances, the park should NEVER be shut down for any party or organization, especially the price it costs for vacationers in this current economical climate.

In a week that temperatures are hotter than normal and approaching record number, finding out that you don’t have the option to visit Studios later in the day is a little disturbing. I feel like I’ve been stolen from.

Not only was this news a little bit of a shocker, but the customer service rep was even more disturbing. No regard for your happiness, and unapologetic to the issue you see with this. It’s not like they notified you or gave you a warning when you were trip planning and purchasing the tickets.

I can honestly say that as far as customer service, Disney is far and above a lot better than Universal will ever be. It’s really had a negative impact on my view of the park. Although I do love the park, this was the first negative experience I have had, and I’m not happy about it.

So let this be a lesson for you, before you purchase your Universal Studio tickets, you should always check the calendar because they are not always operating during their normal hours.

So we essentially paid for a 5-day pass with only being able to partially use those tickets, no family should have their vacation restricted like that and still have to pay the full ticket price, which is a lot higher than it use to be.

I hope our experience will help you plan a little better and not have the same experience on your next trip to Universal Studios. You should not have to pay full price to have your tickets limited on when you can visit, that is an unfair business practice and Universal Studios should be ashamed of themselves, That is unacceptable.

And Universal. although I don’t think they should be shutting down at all, it’s unfair and ridiculous, they should be giving a warning right before they checkout with their tickets online.

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