Like many, Halloweekends is probably my most favorite time to visit Cedar Point. With The Pandemic still creating issues in the United States and world wide, I have been wondering for a while if Cedar Point was going to have Halloweeneds this year.
Upon my research, I learned that Cedar Point Halloweekends is Canceled for the 2020 Season. It is very unfortunate that this has come to be, but for the most part, we pretty much expected it to happen.
Is Cedar Point Still Open This Fall?
Yes, from what I am finding, Cedar Point will still be open this fall. You should be aware though that the hours will be different than years past. According to their website, after labor day they will only be open on Saturdays and Sundays for the remainder of the 2020 season.
Unless something happens with new Covid-19 rules the park should be open until November 1st, but only on those select weekend days noted above.
Is Cedar Point Having Any Events This Fall?
Yes, They are having an event and have called it Cedar Point Tricks And Treats Fall Fest. They claim to offer family-friendly Halloween activities and fall fun.
There should be plenty of entertainment, food, activities, seasonal merchandise and more. It is also worth mentioning that there will be some sort of trick-or-treating during this event. Visit the link above to learn more about the festival.