Disney World

Will I Fit On Animal Kingdom Rides At Disney?



At the time of our last visit, which was during Spring Break, I was especially excited for our visit to the Animal Kingdom. That was the one park I was most interested in going too, mainly because of the Avatar stuff. I am a huge fan. Unfortunately, we didn’t do our initial research and did not get lucky on picking the right day to go to the park. The park was super packed, which made it super difficult to maneuver throughout the park due to the crowds. 

This did make us a little frustrated as we went through the day. Because of the crowds, we cut our visit short. We simply could not get the material we wanted or the opportunity to ride the rides we wanted to add to this article. It was our mistake, we went to the park at one of the busiest time of the year.

Thankfully we did get some rides in and a few shows, but the good news is like the Magic Kingdom, we will be visiting the park once again late August. We should have a little better opportunity to get things done as we expect too. It may hotter than heck, but that’s okay we’ve made a Florida August trip before and handled it pretty well. We will do our best to make sure we check the rides to see if I will fit on any more the Animal Kingdom rides at Disney. 

Below will be the rides that we had the opportunity to get onto while we were at the Animal Kingdom. Expect this the list to grow on our next visit. So please bookmark us now and check back in the fall for more ride information.  The best way to keep us on your mind and be notified when the new article is released is to sign up for our newsletter.

Our Experience with Animal Kingdom Rides.

Na’vi River Journey – This was the main attraction for me. So obviously this was our first fast pass. The ride cart is a boat and there are no restraints. All you need to do is step into the boat. I am 5’11 1/2″ tall and I had no issues with leg room. You will be able to sit with other guests comfortably.  If you visit the park, this is a MUST RIDE.

Floating Mountains Of Animal Kingdom’s Pandora.

Our Experiences with Disney Rides…

The Lion King Show – This is not a ride but a show. The seating is bleachers and there are four corners. It’s pretty comfortable other than it being bleachers, we all know how that feels after sitting a while. The show has decent length, so I found my butt getting a little soar and legs getting a little numb. The real issue is that the cast members shove as many people into the seats as possible. The good news is they accommodate handicap seating. Regardless you shouldn’t have an issue here and if you need a special request, ask a cast member, they will help you. Don’t skip this one either, it’s a great show. 

Unfortunately, that was pretty much all we got to do on a short trip to the park. We ate dinner and then left to go back to the hotel to chill next to the pool on this day. Again we have a long trip planned this summer to go back to the park, so we’ll make a better effort to get on as many rides as we can. Please look for updates soon. 

Feel Free To LET US KNOW if you had any issues with Animal Kingdom Rides Below in the comments.

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