people on a roller coaster

Cedar Point Is Getting A New Ride In 2020

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If you are familiar with Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, you probably are aware of the big 150 year celebration that is set to take place in the spring and summer of 2020. The real question is Cedar Point getting a new ride in 2020.

The answer to that is yes, but it may not be the type of ride you would expect it to be. Because of Cedar Point’s history you would of initially thought it would be a new roller coaster. It is not. For the second year in a row Cedar Point is not adding a new roller coaster, but is adding a new boat ride called Snake River Expedition.

Where Will The Ride Be Located In The Park?

Snake River Expedition will be located in the lagoons in Cedar Point. The entrance will be right where the former boat rides were. If you remember the old paddle wheel excursions boats you will get a good idea to where this new ride will be located. It is in the same area of what was called the lagoons, but now will be identified as the Snake river.

If you are unfamiliar with where the lagoons are in Cedar Point, do not be shy to ask an attendant at the park, they will happily explain to you where it is and show you on the new maps that will be available at the parks.

What Type Of Ride Will This Be?

The new Cedar Point ride will be a river adventure boat ride. This is not on tracks and will be a real boat that was specifically built and designed for Cedar Point.

What Can We Expect From The Ride Experience?

The Snake River Expedition boats will travel down the snake rivers. You will see Animatronics and have interactions with live actors on this experience. They want to tell a story and have you be a part of that story.

Will Families Be Able To Enjoy The New Attraction

Yes this is a perfect ride for families and anyone who wants to step on the boat. They claim this ride is for everyone. So there are no current restrictions on who can ride this ride.

When Will The Ride Open?

The estimated open day for this ride is May 9th, 2020. We are not sure if that is still the open date or not. Please refer to the Cedar Point Website for More Information.

You can find more information here.

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