Theme Park Reviews

Will I Fit On Universal Studios Island’s Of Adventure Orlando Rides



If you are looking for an adventure, this park is for you. The Universal Studios Island’s Of Adventure has a special place in my heart and has some of my favorite rides.

Anytime you come into a park that has the Hulk, Spider-man, and Kong all with in it’s boundaries, you are sure in for a day of exceptional fun. And no matter how many times I go there, it just keeps getting better and better.

Universal was one of the first theme parks I visited in the Orlando area about 5 years ago, since then we’ve been to the park several times and will be going again here real soon. I hope to have more information the Hagrid ride, but everything I’m reading, it may not be a winner for us plus size folks.

Bummer…but the good news is there is plenty to do and see at the park, so one ride shouldn’t stop anyone from having a good time in the Florida heat.

So Will You Fit on Island’s Of Adventure Ride & What was My Experience…

Entrance To Poseidon’s Fury

Poseidon’s Fury – This ride does not have a ride car, you will stand through out the entire ride / show. For those that have disabilities and difficult standing this may be a difficult one to attend. I didn’t see any wheel chairs in the show I attended, so I am unsure of the handicap features of this particular ride /show.

Hogwarts Express: Hogsmeade Station – No issues here. There are no restraints and you sit in a large rail car. There are two seats in the car and usually fits up to 6 people per car. NOTE: You must have PARK TO PARK Passes to ride this ride as it takes you back to the other park. If you don’t have Park to Park you will not be able to ride it.


The Cat in The Hat – No issues on this ride, got on and off fine, there is a lap bar, but no issues.

The High In The SKY Seuss Trolley Train Ride – No issues here, lab bar clicked and I was golden to the ride this ride. As long as the lap bar locks, you are good.

Skull Island: Reign Of Kong – This one is an easy one. You hop onto a bus like instruction there are not any restraints. The ride was comfortable and had plenty of leg room.

Jurassic Park River Adventure – I have rode this before, although I did not on our last visit. I did fit on the ride. There is a bar that gets pulled down but if you are the largest in the row, the bar will only go as far as you will let it. The thing that scared me was my gut did stop the bar and there was a little boy in the row that had the bar away from him pretty far because of the gut, that made me nervous. Although I was secure and had no issue riding the ride. But then again the ride attendant should see that as well and make that adjustment if necessary.

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man – I’ve rode this ride so many times I have lost count. It’s an instant classic with me and one of my favorite rides. The cart is comfortable and there is bar but it just has to click and was not an issue with me. One thing I would not do is wear sunglasses on the ride, I did that once and boy I didn’t feel good afterword. The reason I had to was I had prescription lenses and forgot my regular glasses in car.


Rides I Did Not Try Yet.

  • Flight of the Hippogriff
  • Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
  • Pteradon Flyers
  • Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls
  • Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges
  • Doctor Doom’s Fearfall
  • Storm Force Accelatron
  • The Incredible Hulk Coaster
  • Caro-Seuss-el
  • One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

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