Cedar Point

Will I Fit On Cedar Point Roller Coasters?



I don’t sugarcoat things, and I won’t dance around the topic when discussing rides at Cedar Point. While I’m somewhat disappointed, I recognize that my inability to fit on most rides isn’t Cedar Point’s fault. It’s mine, and I accept that.

When I speak of most rides, I am referring to roller coasters. I do not attempt to ride any of the spinning or carnival-type rides as the motion usually makes me sick. So sadly, I do not have any information on those types of rides. In most cases, if you have issues at your local fair with those, chances are you will here too, but don’t quote me on it as I haven’t attempted to ride any of those types of rides.

Although cedar point does have a page that does show weight limits on those rides, most of which seem to be a total weight for the ride.

Like I’ve said before on this website I am 5’11” and 345 lbs., with a 56” inch stomach area/waist. I carry most of my weight in my stomach area. Not everyone is the same, some will carry it in their chest, backside, and other locations, but for me, my belly size is the problem child that is preventing me from riding most of the rides at cedar point.

  One thing about Cedar Point that is great is that they have model seats outside the entrance of the rides for most coasters. So, if you are questioning if you can ride or not, stop at those and give them a test. This will save you the time of going through the line and wasting the time and embarrassment of not fitting when you get to the cart.


  Just keep in mind that if you don’t fit, it’s for your safety anyway. But do not let that ruin your trip there are plenty of other things to do and see to make the trip a winning trip in your book.

  Below are some ride insights and details of what I have experienced while visiting Cedar point and I hope it answers your question on will I fit on Cedar Point Roller Coasters?

*Again, this is my experience with these rides. You may be shaped differently so still when you are there try the test seats. Just to be sure. Always use your best judgment as Safety is the number one concern on all these rides.

Cedar Point Coasters:

Iron Dragon Cart Going up First Hill

IRON DRAGON – My personal go-to coaster at Cedar Point and is a coaster I have no issue riding is the Iron-Dragon. That has a chest pull-down restraint, which just must click and lock, I always have been able to ride this ride with no issues.  I don’t know if there is a weight restriction for this ride, but I’ve never had any issues with the ride. It’s easy in and out for me. A cool little twist that they were experimenting with last year was the VR addition to the ride. I’m not sure if that will continue, but I would like to try it at some point.

MAVERICK – This one I had trouble with. I could not get the pull restraint down and could not lock the seat belt, mainly because my mid-section was a little too big for this one. In most cases, you shouldn’t have any issue here unless your stomach area is too large to allow the seat belt to click. Now I have seen people bigger than I ride this, but they had different weight distribution than I had, so if your problem is not in your stomach area you should be okay.

Raptor in Action

RAPTOR – I could not fit on this one as I could not get the restraint down. I have heard of people having issues with this one as well.  

MAGNUM XL-200 – Magnum may be okay for most, but you must be able to have the seat belt locked of course. I heard rumors of a car that is a little bit forgiving with the seat belt but unsure of which one, perhaps asking the ride attendant if there is a larger cart may help.

Millennium Force Cart Going up hill

MILLENNIUM FORCE – This ride is known to be a tight fit. I’ve never tried this one as the pure height of this one terrifies me. Even if I could fit on it, I’m still not sure I would ride it. A little out of my range.

Gemini Red Cart Up Hill

GEMINI – This is a wooden roller coaster and is the first coaster I have ever ridden. I’ve been riding this coaster for over 20+ years. I have not tried to ride it in the last 4 years though mainly because of the last time my back didn’t do well with it the last time I road it, it’s a little jerky and bumpy in some spots, but if you can buckle the seat belt you will be fine.

MINE RIDE – This one is also a no go for me. It’s a tight fit, seat belt and I think a lap bar, but it’s been a long time since I’ve tried. The seat belt is the part that makes this one difficult for me, not enough of it. Even in my younger years when I was around 200 pounds, I had issues with the belt. But if you can get the seat belt around your waist then you should be good.

Gate Keeper In Action

GATEKEEPER – Tried the test seat and it’s a no go for me, the site is a tight fit and the overlap lap would not come down far enough on me.  I notice that the seat is will shallow so if you have big thighs, I’m sure you will have an issue with this as well.  You may also be a tight fit if you have larger shoulders, I have heard of that being a problem as well. But Again my stomach is the issue here. A family member was able to ride it who is also large but doesn’t have a big stomach. There are larger seats on the cart from what I am told. So try the test seat out.

BLUE STREAK – This is an issue for me, and I cannot ride this one. You must be able to lock the seatbelt and a few clicks on the lap bar. This is an older coaster and is kind of a tight fit in the cart. If you run on the larger size, I probably would avoid this one.

Dragster Cart Going Up Hill

TOP THRILL DRAGSTER – I know I will not fit in this one because of the lap bar position so I have not ever tried it. If you are bigger in the chest area but not so in the stomach area you may get away with riding this one, but it will be a tight fit for most larger people.

Wicked Twister at the top

WICKED TWISTER – No go for me, could not ride this one.

Corkscrew Cart going Upside Now

CORKSCREW – This was always a tight fit for me as I grew larger, it is a no go for me the harness would not lock.

Valravn Track

VALRAVN – I have not attempted to ride this but judging by the seats, I doubt that I will be able to ride this one. I may attempt it on the next trip.

PIPE SCREAM – I have not attempted to ride this yet.

Rougarou Cart right before first drop.

ROUGAROU  – This used to be the Mantis and was a stand-up roller coaster, now it is a sit-down one. I have not yet ridden or tried to ride this one yet.

Woodstock Express Track

WOODSTOCK EXPRESS  – This one is more of a kiddie coaster so if you cannot use the seat belt, you may not fit. I have not tried to ride this for nearly 6 years.

Steel Vengeance Cart Starting First Hill Drop.

STEEL VENGEANCE – New Coaster, have not gone to try the test seats yet. Judging by the setup, I’m probably not going to be able to ride this one either.


  1. Chad Christopher Skiles

    March 23, 2021 at 9:26 am

    Go to universal in florida every 3 row are for large people I was 400 now 300 fit on everything at 400 finley a theme park got smart

  2. Marti

    August 3, 2021 at 10:53 pm

    Thank you for the info. I’ll ge going at the end of this month and am a little nervous! It’s been 15-20 years since I’ve been to CP. I think my weight is the same, but I think it’s changed positions! Lol

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