Disney World

Will I Fit On Disney Magic Kingdom Rides?



Disney World was a bit of a challenge during our visit during Spring Break. It was not necessarily the rides that were the issue. It was the people. The place was packed. I am not sure if this was normal or if this was due to spring break, but it made the trip a little difficult.

We didn’t necessarily get to ride all the rides that we wanted to. So we could not test if I could fit in all of them, or to see if there were any restraint issues on any of the carts as we did not get a good view of all the ride carts.

But the good news is that we will be going back down in August to visit Disney World Again. That probably will be one of many trips, but for our August trip we are hoping with expected crowd levels to be lower before the Star Wars opening in late August. We hope to be able to get on most if not all the rides to see what issues we may run into. 

But for the rides, we did get into, below is my experience with them and it should give you a pretty good answer on if you will fit on rides at Disney World. In this article, we are featuring the Magic Kingdom only. We will have future articles about the other Disney Parks so stay tuned.

I also have a goal to take pictures of the ride carts themselves and will edit these articles later.


UPDATE: We did return the following August after our first visit and really had a great experience. We rode a majority of the rides. We did miss a few, but we plan on visiting again. Below is our experience.

Rides For Plus Size People

As we all know Disney is geared to the younger crowd and most importantly the kids. But that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy yourself, even when you are a plus-size individual. In fact, Disney’s appeal really does bring out the kid in you. It’s something you must experience.

When we arrived at the parks, we quickly realized that Disney was very Plus size friendly from my experience. There are some uncomfortable situations, but for the most part, the rides have been very friendly for guests of all sizes. 

My Experience With Disney Rides Part One…

Pirates of the Caribbean – This was one of my favorite rides. The pirate scenery in the ride is spectacular, and the ride itself is a pretty easy-going ride. The ride cart is a boat that has plenty of room. There are not any restraints and it’s very comfortable for me. I do not see any problems with plus-size guests with this one. As long as you can step down into the boat and push yourself up, you should have no issue with this one. I didn’t. 

Haunted Mansion – This is in my top 2 rides at the Magic Kindom. The cart does have a pull-down bar, but it’s pretty forgiving and all it needs to go is one snap I believe. Again I carry my weight in the stomach and had zero issues with this. Although when the cart turns later in the ride the bar did get tighter on me when we were going down backward in a spot, that was near the end of the ride and didn’t cause any issues. Mobility may be an issue here, the carts do not stop and you walk onto a conveyor and get into the cart. I’ve seen them slow the conveyor down to accommodate older and handicapped guests, which is cool. 


It’s A Small World – This is also a boat ride, which you will find there are a ton of them at Disney. Getting into the cart was not a big issue, although you have to step down into the boat. At first, I had no issue, but being 5’11” I did run into a little leg room issue. Those that are taller should ask the ride attendant if there is a section that is bigger in the boat. At first, it wasn’t an issue, but because this is a slow-moving ride, I started to get a little uncomfortable in the ride. I was moving back and forth cause I do have issues with cramps and was trying to avoid one. This made the ride a little less appealing and I missed most of the scenery. But overall the legroom is the only issue here, there should not be any problem other than that. They also do have a special boat for those in wheelchairs as well. Ask the attendant and they will show you where the handicap line is.

Peter Pan’s Flight – This one has a bench seat and a pull-down bar. I had no issue with this one either. Plenty of legroom and the bar was comfortable. Like some of the cart rides, the carts don’t stop they move and you get into them as they move. Again like before they may slow it down for those that have an issue with the moving carts. But this one is fun, as a tip, try and get a fast pass for this one, it usually has long lines. 

Under the Sea-Journey Of The Little Mermaid – This is a shell cart but is similar to the Haunted Mansion cart. The carts do not stop you have to walk on a conveyor and hope in the cart. The cart does have a lap bar, but again, no issues. My weight is in my stomach and not a problem. Pretty comfortable ride. 

Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin – This is a cart ride. You get into the moving cart which has a bench designed for two people. You can ride as a single rider as I did. There is a bar/table that has the ride guns attached to that sways shut before you enter the ride by the attendant. For the best fit sit the closest to entry to when the bar sways over you don’t have any issue. I had no issue here, hopped on and off with ease. Fun little ride.

Jungle Cruise – There should be no issues with this one. There are no restraints and as long as you can step into the boat you should be okay. The only issue I had was I was one of the last ones on the boat and there was one section to the left that has a bar to squeeze through. It was tight, but I managed to fit through it.


Shows And Attractions Seating:

The Hall of Presidents – You will have no issue here. This is theater seating and there are places for those in wheelchairs. Very cozy.

Country Bear Jamboree is a great show for the little ones. Mostly Bench Seating, again no issues here. It’s a great way to get out of the heat as well.

On Our Next Trip, We will Sample Other Rides. Look out for a future Article on more of the rides at the Magic Kingdom.


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